Melodija zagađenja vazduha
Greek /āero/ “air”
Latin /sono/ “to make a noise, sound”, “to speak/utter”, “to emit sound”
Izložba Priroda budućnosti – Art+Science 2022: EkOtisak, Rektorat Univerziteta u Novom Sadu, 2022
Izložba BEO AIR, ArtSci UCLA, Studio 1-0-6, Los Anđeles, 2021
Festival 4.0 FEST, Beograd, 2020
Izložba BOTH WAYS, EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF), Old Port Trst, 2020
Izložba Inteligencija IO – Art+Science Lab, KC Magacin, Beograd, 2020
Festival Ars Electronica – In Kepler’s Garden, Linz & 120 lokacija širom sveta, 2020
Aerosonar je prostorna audio instalacija koja zagađenje vazduha na makro nivou prikazuje u mikrookruženju izložbenog prostora, dok istovremeno ukazuje na uticaj čoveka na zagađenje vazduha. Muzička kompozicija instalacije omogućava doživljaj zagađenja vazduha pretežno čulom sluha, što inače nije slučaj. Uticajem čoveka na samu instalaciju i promenama uslova u prostoru menja se i muzička kompozicija, čime posetilac postaje svestan svog uticaja.
Muzička kompozicija nastaje sonifikacijom podataka o zagađenju vazduha u centru Beograda, tako što svakom odabranom parametru zagađenja vazduha odgovara određeni zvuk. Uticaj posetioca se beleži na osnovu njegovog ponašanja u prostoru instalacije. Svaki uticaj je zabeležen senzorima za pokret, a taj uticaj se prevodi u funkciju koja modifikuje osnovnu kompoziciju zagađenja vazduha. Posetilac doživljava prostor instalacije kroz međusobni odnos parametara zagađenja, kao i kroz lični odnos sa njima.
Metoda koju koristimo je sonifikacija podataka o zagađenju vazduha, koja predstavlja njihovu transformaciju u zvučni sadržaj u realnom vremenu. Parametri zagađenja vazduha koji se mere u realnom vremenu su PM 2,5, CO, O3, NO2 i temperatura. Za svaki od ovih parametara dodeljen je zvuk i kako će se taj zvuk menjati zavisi od vrednosti parametra. Kako se podaci neprestano menjaju, rastu i padaju, kompozicija se generiše. Svaki od ovih zvučnih objekata najčešće se stvara razmišljanjem o jednostavnoj, minimalističkoj strukturi, mogućnosti promene tog zvučnog objekta spektralno, vremenski i dinamički i kako bi se mogao uklopiti u ostale elemente. Takođe, zvučni objekat za svaki od ovih podataka je frekvencija ograničena na jedan opseg (niži, srednji ili viši) i na taj način je pokriven čitav spektar zvuka. Tokom procesa rada na zvuku težimo da dobijemo fluktuaciju, varijabilnost i dinamiku, što je slučaj u kompozicijama instrumentalne i elektro-akustične muzike.
Zagađenje vazduha se često prikazuje vizuelno i pošli smo od činjenice da se na taj način ne može doživeti. Na isti način na koji pratimo Air Visual aplikaciju na svom telefonu radi informisanja o kvalitetu vazduha, možemo uključi radio da bismo dobili ove informacije, ali na ličniji i emotivniji način. Zvuk ima snagu kojom emocionalno utiče na čoveka svesno ili podsvesno i zato je izabran za izražajno sredstvo. Slušanje je čin pažnje i otelotvoreno iskustvo. Sve što čujemo je događaj unutar nas, nešto fizičko, vibracija koja se oseća na koži, u tkivima i šupljinama tela. Zbog toga smo želeli da posetioci iskuse zagađenje vazduha kroz zvuk i na taj način osveste koliko je ova tema važna i sveprisutna.
Aerosonar je nastao kao saradnja umetnika i naučnika, a producirao ga je Centar za promociju nauke (Beograd, Srbija) u okviru projekta European ARTificial Intelligence Lab.
Aerosonar tim se sastoji od dizajnera zvuka, arhitekte, naučnika i programera, koji svi zajedno rade na jednom cilju – pronalaženju alternativnog načina za suočavanje sa problemom zagađenja vazduha uz razumevanje njegove složenosti i sa krajnim ciljem očuvanja evropskog prirodnog okruženja.
Ana Todosijević
Architect and researcher

Architect and researcher focusing on the mutual connection and relationship between architecture, living systems and technology. Her research follows a biological approach and reconsiders the way we influence and build our environment.
Ana is one of the founders of Bio2Arh, an association that gathers scientists, artists and anyone who wants to explore the intersection of art and science through experiment, as well as to rethink the relationship between biological species and the environment.
Through digital media, art installations and bio design, she explores new interactions within our natural environment. Her work has been exhibited at multiple festivals and exhibitions, the most recent one being BeoAir exhibition in LA, US, organized by ArtSci Research Center at UCLA. Apart from that, her work has been shown in several Art+Science Lab exhibitions, organized by the Center for the promotion of science in Belgrade (Aerosonar, 2020, Building Together, 2018) as well as the European Researchers’ Night (Future Living, 2015) Museum Night and “Grad i smrt” (en. City and Death; Interpretation of symbols, 2011).
Marija Šumarac
Sound designer and composer

Marija Šumarac is sound designer, composer and trombonist from Serbia. She holds a BA Diploma in Recording and Sound Design from University of Arts Belgrade where she is completing her Master studies, researching sound spatialisation and Deep Listening. She explores the complexity, color, dynamics of tones and rhythms with a tendency to implement it into the audio-visual projects through dramaturgical and conceptual approach, combining music and electrical engineering.
She gained performing experience in ensembles such as the Youth Philharmonic, FMA Big Band, New Spark Jazz Orchestra and many others. Her orientation towards sound manipulation through working experience in film, radio (Electronic Studio of the Radio Belgrade 3), theatre, television and video games also expanded the sound of her music performances and compositions.
She has presented her work internationally at venues, festivals and events such as Prague Quadrennial 2019, Ars Electronica Linz, European Science Open Forum (ESOF) Trieste, Speculum Artium Trbovlje, gallery Studio106L.A. and UCLA ArtSci Center Los Angeles.
Ana Anastasov
Sound designer and composer

Composer, sound designer, audio engineer and eco-artist. Ana graduated with a BA from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade, Department of Recording and Sound Design, where she is currently doing her MA studies. She is studying at the Academy of Music and Drama in
Gothenburg, MFA Experimental Composition and Creation.
Ana was engaged as a teaching assistant in the Radio Directing course. She was also a member
of the Youth Board of Kolarac Endowment, where she created scientific and artistic programs
for youth. She recorded music at Kolarac and volunteer at Radio Television of Serbia.
Her composition for piano and electronics „Exolvuntur“ announced the compilation „Piano Sky #
2″, published by Pop Depression.
Ana also works on feature and animated films. She has won awards at international and national
competitions and has had the opportunity to complete a course at the Souza Lima Conservatory
in Sao Paulo. She was the holder of a scholarship for extraordinarily talented students.
Bojan Kenig
Biologist and science communicator

Bojan Kenig is a biologist, currently working as a science communicator and educator at the Center for the Promotion of Science (CPN). At the Center he is working on forming a sustainable network that brings together scientists and artists, encouraging cooperation and development of joint projects through a+s+cpn selection program. He has been coordinating, producing and curating three art+science exhibitions so far.
Also, he is one of the founders of the Bio2Arch association, which uses joint artistic and scientific exploration of complex organism-environment interactions to tackle ecological and environmental issues and their impact on society.
Bojan’s field of research is evolutionary genetics, focused on investigating the relationships between the environmental, geographic, morphological, genetic, and life history variations in natural and laboratory populations.
Aleksandar Kilibarda
Software engineer

Software engineer developing software for EEG systems used in research and clinical trials. He is also involved in the development of industrial PVC and aluminium profile bending machines controlled by 3D cameras. Enjoys collaborating with other creative people, exploring new technologies and new ways of expression. Organized over 20 LEGO exhibitions (as one of the organisers) and several Mindstorms robotic workshops for elementary and high school students.